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So, 2020 didn’t quite turn out as most of us expected.

The last twelve months of various lockdowns and other constraints have provided challenges for everyone in different areas of their lives. In a small but deliberate attempt to help restore our collective colour, Elvin Turner teamed up with us and a diverse range of collaborators.

Our aim? To share some tools to help us detox from anything unhelpful that we picked up in 2020, and to kickstart some new habits that help us find new focus and develop resilience for other changes that are likely ahead. The result? Try THIS. A handy book that you can read from beginning to end, or end to beginning. Maybe only one idea in this book is relevant to you. Great, apply it to your life this year with the best of your ability. But while you’re reading think about anyone else you know who might benefit from one of the tools and share the book as widely as you can.

No-one is getting paid for producing Try THIS but we do want to give readers the opportunity to support Emerge Advocacy, a great cause dedicated to helping young people who are struggling with mental illness. Finally, thanks to everyone who generously contributed to this ebook – we really appreciate each one of you!

Download your copy of Try THIS below.

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